Short-term Visitor/Speaker FAQ (handled through Accounts Payable)
What housing options are available for international visitors?
It is important to discuss housing options for international visitors with the appropriate Dean's Office before making housing arrangements, as there are limited university housing options available. For short-term visitors, a room in one of the guest houses may be appropriate. For longer-term visitors who are also visiting faculty, faculty housing may be available. It is extremely important to contact the guest house coordinator as soon as possible after determining housing needs in collaboration with the Dean's Office as space is limited. If university housing is not an option, the visitor may use a local property management company. The Center for International Education has created a housing guide for international visitors to assist with this process.
What transportations options are available for international visitors?
For airport pick-ups and drop-offs, departments can coordinate with Public Safety to arrange a driver (at least 72 hours in advance). The Center for International Education has created a transportation guide for international visitors to inform visitors of local transportation options for getting around town, visiting nearby cities, and getting to and from Dulles Airport.
How do I set up internet access for international visitors?
If the visitor already has an eduroam account from a previous institution (list), their devices should automatically connect to the W&L Wi-Fi. Otherwise, the visitor should follow the ITS wireless instructions to connect to the W&L network.