Internship for Credit (CPD 451 and 461)
The Office of Career and Professional Development (CPD) offers one Experiential Learning (EXP) credit for qualifying summer and academic term internships. The CPD course provides students the opportunity to engage in professional development, further career exploration, and/or refine professional interests through an external internship experience. Instructor consent is required.
The course may be repeated for degree credit, but a maximum of 3 CPD internship credits count toward the University EXP limit of 9 credits. The internship credit does not count toward FDR, major, or minor requirements. Students may register for only one CPD course per summer or term.
Internships may be paid or unpaid. Retroactive credit for prior internships is not available.
CPD 451: Summer Internships
CPD 451 (summer) requires students to work at least 140 work hours over no fewer than four weeks. Students already receiving credit through an academic department, the Summer Research Scholars program or a study abroad program are ineligible for CPD 451. Summer CPD course registration dates are different than other registration dates and typically are set for late spring term or early summer. Application instructions, registration details, assignments, and the syllabus are available here.
CPD 461: Academic Term (Fall or Winter) Internships
CPD 461 requires students to work at least 36 hours during the term. Application instructions, registration details, assignments, and the syllabus are available here.
General Information and Resources
Review the Registrar's website for general information about registration, course credit offerings, and drop/add policies. Unless otherwise noted, the Registrar's policies (and dates) for the Summer, Fall Term and Winter Term are binding. If you have questions about internship or credit policies, visit internship Q&As for students and faculty. Direct CPD internship credit inquiries to careers@wlu.edu.