2022-23 Tuition & Fees

Breakdown of Fees
Tuition $60,590 $52,080
Activity Fees $590 $590
Technology Fees $320 $320
Health Services Fee $250 $250
Student Bar Assn. Fee $220
Room1 $8,945
Board2 $7,975
Books/Supplies $2,024 $3,200
Personal/Misc $2,296
Law Living Expenses, Estimated $15,220
Law Loan Fees, Estimated $1,500
Standard Cost of Attendance3 $82,990 $73,380
Tuition Billing and Due Dates
Fall TermWinter Term
Billing Dates July 15, 2022 November 15, 2022
Due Dates August 10, 2022 December 10, 2022

The fee for special, non-degree undergraduate students for 2022-2023 is $2,164 per credit hour.

1Rooming cost for law students are included in the Law Living Expenses, Estimated figure.

2For dining options available to upper class undergraduate and law, see Dining Services.  Board costs for law students are included above in the Law Living Expenses, Estimated figure.

3The average cost for all necessary expenses mentioned above does not include health insurance, travel costs, or fraternity/sorority membership. Charges for first-year students in 2021-2022 averaged $1,385 for fraternities and $370 for sororities. Charges for upper-division students averaged $5,000 for fraternities and $1,240 for sororities, with room and board charges adding approximately $3,400 to $12,000 for fraternities and $3,145 to $15,840 for sororities. Board plans for Live-Out Sorority members was $3,350 for the year.