2018-19 Tuition & Fees

2018 - 2019

Tuition $51,420 $48,110
Activity Fees $465 $465
Technology Fees $320 $320
Health Services Fee $250 $250
Student Bar Assn. Fee $210
Room** $7,300
Board* $6,625
Books/Supplies $1,950 $3,000
Personal/Misc $2,170
Law Living Expenses, Estimated $15,125
Law Loan Fees, Estimated $2,000
Standard Cost of Attendance*** $70,500 $69,480


Fall TermWinter Term
Billing Dates July 15, 2018 November 15, 2018
Due Dates August 10, 2018 December 10, 2018

*For dining options available to upper class undergraduate and law, see Dining Services.  Board costs for law students are included above in the Law Living Expenses, Estimated figure.

**Rooming cost for law students are included in the Law Expenses, Estimated figure

***The average cost for all necessary expenses mentioned above does not include health insurance, travel costs, or fraternity / sorority membership. Fraternity / sorority charges for first-years in 2017-18 averaged $1,650 for men and $700 for women. Fraternity / sorority charges for upper-class students averaged $5,350 for men, $1,800 for women, with average room and board charges adding approximately $14,400 to $17,115 for men and $13,700 to $16,100 for women.  Board plans for Live-Out Greek members ranged from $3,620 for the year.