Parents and Students

Tuition Information

Tuition payment policies and information regarding the cost of attendance.

Transact Payments

Transact allows all students to view bill statements and make payments online. Each month when an e-bill statement is released, an email will be sent to registered users. Students must register first. After that, students can “manage account access” and invite parents or guardians to register and view the Transact account.

University Card

Issued to all students upon matriculation, the University Card offers building and meal plan access and payment for laundry services, University Store purchases, library services and other purchases.

University Catalog

This Washington and Lee University catalog presents essential information about the University—its character, heritage, and objectives; its academic programs and degree requirements; its student life and extracurricular activities; its admissions requirements and procedures; its costs and financial aid programs; some of its rules and regulations; its campus and community setting; its facilities for helping students plan their academic program wisely, reach maturity gracefully, and choose careers properly.