Michael Berlin Director of the Writing Program and Visiting Assistant Professor of English

Michael Berlin

Payne Hall 202


Ph.D., UC Irvine


Comparative poetics; transatlantic modernity; the history of literary theory & criticism; classical theories of aesthetics and their reception


English 326—“Metaphysical Poetics”
Writing 100—“Writing as Learning and Unlearning”
Writing 100—“Civil War”

Selected Publications

In print:

“Global Poetics: Reactive and Relational,” The Georgia Review 75, no. 4 (Winter 2021): 1061-77.

“‘How the World Really Ends’: Adorno on Working Through Catastrophes to Come,” Cultural Critique 109 (Fall 2020): 112-138.

“On Jay Wright’s The Prime Anniversary,” The Georgia Review 74, no. 2 (Summer 2020): 55-60.

“Jay Wright,” in Twenty-First-Century African American Poets, vol. 392, Dictionary of Literary Biography.


“‘Oblivions Sable Shore’: Phillis Wheatley Peters at the Limits of Lyric History,” The Eighteenth Century: Theory and Interpretation 64, No. 1.

In progress:

“‘Anthems Dark’: Race, Fancy, and the Soaring Fortunes of the Lyric” (under review).

Book manuscript:

“The Poetry of Origins: Race, Empire, and the Making of the English Ode.”


Mellon–Council for European Studies Completion Fellowship, Columbia University, 2021-22.

Tierney Humanities Scholarship, UCI, Summer 2020.

Dorothy & Donald Strauss Endowed Dissertation Fellowship, UCI, Winter & Spring quarters 2020.

William Andrews Clark Library Predoctoral Fellowship, UCLA, October 2019.

Michael J. Connell Foundation Fellowship, Huntington Library, August & September 2019.