Public Service
Our Public Service Commitment
WLUR is committed to promoting non-profit public service organizations in the Lexington area. Rather than playing pre-packaged, pre-recorded PSAs irrelevant to our audience, we work with people from the community to create beneficial public service announcements that will promote awareness of the area's public service organizations. If you are looking for a way to volunteer, are in need of assistance, or just want to know what's going on in our community, tune in to 91.5 FM. You can also listen online.
Public Service Announcements
WLUR wants to provide your campus or non-profit organization free publicity in order to help you promote your services or upcoming philanthropic events. Please contact the station for more information about airing PSAs on WLUR.
Our Organizations
Here are some organizations that WLUR has produced public service announcements for:
American Red Cross
Helping people in Virginia's Shenandoah Valley prevent, prepare for, and respond to emergencies since 1943.
Project Horizon
A private, non-profit organization dedicated to reducing family violence and sexual violence through educational programs and crisis intervention services. These services are free of charge and communications are strictly confidential.
Rockbridge Area Community Services Board
Provides a variety of mental health and substance abuse services.
Rockbridge Area Health Center
Provides medical and prescription services free of charge to those in need.
Rockbridge YMCA
The YMCA is a community recreation center that provides programs in aquatics, fitness, childcare, teen activities and senior programs.
Total Action for Progress (TAP)
Provides emergency assistance to low-income families via food, clothing, home repair, indoor plumbing, home weatherization, and education.
United Way of Rockbridge
The United Way acts as a source of funding for many local, non-profit agencies. Focus is on fundraising, community needs assessments, and assisting local non-profits.
The Washington and Lee Center for International Education
The Center for International Education supports the mission and commitment of the University in promoting an educational environment in which students, faculty and staff can become ever more involved with and aware of the global forces, people and perspectives which shape our lives. Whether in the classroom or outside of it, opportunities to learn more about the world abound.