The Friends of the Library
The easiest way to support the library is to join the Friends of the Library. The Friends provide the generous support needed to make the library a place of growth and scholarly engagement. By pooling large and small donations, the Friends make an essential contribution to meeting current needs and building the collection.
Donors and Support
A strong library is essential both to the intellectual vitality of the University and to the quality of the education it provides. Our library cannot remain strong without the continued support from people like you, who share our goal to prepare students for life-long learning. The needs of the library are many - building and preserving the collection, adapting new technologies, providing the library staff with adequate professional development and training, enhancing scholarship and research opportunities for our students and faculty, and most importantly, building our educational programs. A gift to the library supports all academic disciplines and programs. We are grateful for your contribution.
Please contact University Librarian KT Vaughan to discuss monetary gifts.