Professional Customer Service Award
The Professional Customer Service award recognizes a University Facilities employee with more than four years of service.
The successful nominee:
- Provides consistent quality service anytime any place; not just in his/her assigned areas/tasks.
- Takes initiative to anticipate and meet customers' needs.
- Understands, supports and implements, in word and deed, the University's and Departments' Core Values.
- Is regarded by others as a hard worker, mentor and conscientious W&L employee.
- Demonstrates a mature understanding and consistent pattern of development with regard to the University's mission, the department's role and his/her duties and responsibilities.
- Individuals can nominate themselves.
- Must be successfully meeting all goals and competencies as indicated on the individuals' PDP.
- May not have any pending disciplinary actions.
- Must warrant recommendations by the individual's supervisor.
To nominate a University Facilities employee, fill out the online Nomination Form below or print the form and drop it into the Nomination Drop Box, located on the reception counter in the UFO.