
Peer Counselor Program

Need a listening ear? The Peer Counselor Program is a team of student volunteers dedicated to helping other students experiencing any kind of emotional problems and/or need for additional social support. Recognizing that students often feel most comfortable talking with friends about life issues, Peer Counselors receive extensive training on how to help other students. They are not therapists, but act as friends who are knowledgeable about the kinds of issues affecting university students. They are also knowledgeable about available campus and community resources.

These caring and committed student leaders go through a week of training in the early fall and then participate in an ongoing monthly training program throughout the year. They learn about depression, anxiety, eating issues, grief, relationship issues, alcohol and substance problems, academic problems, and crisis situations. They learn how to listen without judging, and they keep all contacts confidential (except for situations where a student is at risk of harm to self or others, when they act in concert with University Counseling to prevent harm).

Peer Counselors team up with RAs on each hall to help first-year students make a successful adjustment to W&L but are also available to upper class students. PCs want to be there for you whether your issue is large or small. If you are a W&L student experiencing any kind of life difficulty or just want support from a peer, you can contact any of the Peer Counselors.