Photography Videography and Photography Policy
Personal Photography Policy:
The Museums staff wants to insure you enjoy your visit to the Chapel and share the experience with your friends. In order to make it a pleasant experience for all our visitors and to protect the parts of our collection that are under copyright, the following policy must be observed.
- Personal Photography, defined as still photographs taken with a camera or cell phone camera, is allowed throughout the building if the flash has been disabled.
- No flags may be photographed in the Chapel other than the University flags which include the American flag, the Virginia State flag, the flag of the Society of the Cincinnati, and the flag of the University.
- Personal videography is not permitted in the building.
News Photographers must be approved by the Communications Office of the University before photographing an event. You may contact the Communications Office at 540.458.4000.
Thank you for abiding by the above policies which protect this historic site.