Refund Policy
Refunds Due To Withdrawal (effective July 1, 2013)
1. If a student withdraws before the first day of classes of the fall or winter term, the full amount of the Comprehensive Tuition Fee then paid by or for the account of the student from private resources (as opposed to payments from federal or state or University financial aid programs, including the Guaranteed Student Loan program), will be refunded, less the advance deposit required of each new applicant as a freshman or undergraduate academic transfer ($1,000), or of each Law School, new applicant or academic transfer (up to $1,500).
2. If a student withdraws during the first week of classes of the fall or winter term and gives written notice of withdrawal, the student's account will be credited with 100% of the Comprehensive Tuition Fee. If a student withdraws during the second week of classes of the fall or winter term and gives written notice of withdrawal, the student's account will be credited with 80% of the Comprehensive Tuition Fee. If a student withdraws during the third week of classes of the fall or winter term and gives written notice of withdrawal, the student's account will be credited with 60% of the Comprehensive Tuition Fee. If a student withdraws during the fourth week of classes of the fall or winter term and gives written notice of withdrawal, the student's account will be credited with 40% of the Comprehensive Tuition Fee. If a student withdraws during the fifth week of classes of the fall or winter term and gives written notice of withdrawal, the student's account will be credited with 20% of the Comprehensive Tuition Fee. If no financial aid is involved (including Guaranteed Student Loans), the amount of the credit will be refunded, taking into account amounts then paid. If federal or state financial aid is involved, preference will be given to the regulations of the funding agency. Contact the Treasurer in such cases to determine the amount, if any, of refund.
3. If a student withdraws after five weeks of classes in the fall or winter term, either voluntarily or involuntarily, the Comprehensive Tuition Fee is NOT REFUNDABLE.
4. The Technology, Health Services, and Traveller's Fees are treated in the same manner as the Comprehensive Tuition Fees in the case of withdrawal.
5. The Student Activities and Calyx Fees are refundable only if the student withdraws before the first day of classes.
6. All refunds of the Comprehensive Tuition Fee will be subject to federal regulations regarding institutional refund policies.
7. The University will refund rents paid for University housing, less the security deposit, which will be forfeited, if the student gives written notice two months (60 days) before the start of the room lease period that he or she does not wish to occupy University housing. After that date, rents are NOT REFUNDABLE.
8. Students who have paid for the full-meal plan and have given written notice of withdrawal or who are absent for approved off-campus study (for example, spring term abroad) will receive a pro rata refund of the cost of the plan.
The University may also withhold transcripts; withhold the issuance of a diploma to graduating students, or drop a student from the official rolls. In addition, late-pay charges may be levied on past-due amounts and registration or matriculation denied for an upcoming academic year. Returning students with unpaid financial obligations will not be allowed to matriculate until all financial obligations are satisfied. Students with records of late payments may be denied permission to enroll for subsequent terms or semesters, and may have their class schedules withheld, until they pay in full in advance for subsequent terms or semesters. Request for transcripts from former students will not be honored until all amounts owed the University are paid, including University and National Direct Student Loan (NDSL)/Perkins payments in accordance with the terms of loan agreements.