Excellence in Research Grant

Excellence in Research Grant ($2,500) – Up to one may be awarded each year.


To encourage the pursuit of excellence in research and to provide additional funding to support this aim, the Dean of the Williams School introduces an Excellence in Research Grant for faculty, awarded on the basis of scholarly impact. This aligns with our mission to advance knowledge in commerce, economics, and politics. This grant provides additional funding beyond what is already available through Lenfest grants and departmental development funds.
A faculty member can only win one research grant (Excellence in Research Grant or the Influential Research Reducing Inequalities Grant) every five years. However, it is possible for a faculty member to win both of the curricular and research grants within the same five-year period, although in the case of equivalent grant applications, priority will go to the person who has not received a grant in the past five years.

Information on the Excellence in Research Grant

Thegrant will be awarded to up to one faculty member whose prior scholarly work (basic, pedagogical, or applied) has made a significant impact beyond citation counts, demonstrated by an award, changes to business or policy processes, etc.

Because this is meant to award the influence of the research and that impact typically takes time to be demonstrated, the paper would typically have been published in years prior to that of the grant. This grant can fund travel, data, or other reimbursable expenses for the faculty member's current or upcoming research project. The committee will evaluate the impact of this research on external stakeholders. The applicants will be asked to highlight how the scholarly work has affected others or, if it won an award, provide the basis for the award. A grant may not be awarded every year. Winners will present a short summary of their work at the Best Practices Lunch. If the committee finds more than two worthy candidates for the grant in a single year, the researcher(s) who do not win will be informed that their nomination is being held over for the following year.

Application for the Excellence in Research Grant