The Elizabeth B. Garrett Scholarships were founded on a bequest made by Mrs. Elizabeth B. White in 1918. This fund provides for five of the department scholarships, namely one each in the following departments: Economics, English, French, History, and Politics.

Economics Department Awards
Edwin F. Schaeffer established this scholarship in honor of Emeritus Professor of Economics Edwin Claybrook Griffith. It is awarded to an economics major who demonstrates academic excellence and leadership in student activities.
This scholarship was created in 1994 by Professor Gunn’s former students in honor of his retirement after more than 30 years of distinguished teaching. The scholarship is awarded to rising seniors majoring in economics on the basis of outstanding achievement, leadership, and character.
The Kim Family Prize recognizes senior Economics majors with the top research paper in the Economics 399 Capstone class. The students are selected by the Economics 399 faculty team and receive a cash prize in addition to the Kim family medallion.
The Economics Academic Excellence Award, given to a rising senior or seniors, is based on the excellence of academic work in the major.