Minor in Entrepreneurship
Minor in Entrepreneurship
A minor in entrepreneurship requires completion of 18 credits. With the exception of students majoring in accounting or business administration, students with any other major may also complete this minor. In meeting the requirements of this discipline-based minor, a student may not use more than nine credits that are also used to meet the requirements of another major or minor.
*** Please note, for entrepreneurship minors the prerequisites for both BUS 399 and BUS 217 can be waived ***
- Required courses: BUS 160, 399.
- Entrepreneurship Electives: Two courses chosen from the following: BUS 308, 374, 376, 381, 383, 387, 388, 392, and when appropriate to entrepreneurship with advance approval, BUS 301, 303, 304, 306, 390.
- Business Electives: Two courses chosen from the following: BUS 211, 217, 314, 315, 316, 317, 321, 332, 333, 335, 345, 348, 349, 361, 362, 365, 369, 370, 371, 372, 377; FIN 221; and, when appropriate to entrepreneurship with advance approval, BUS 301, 303, 304, 306, or 390 (may be accepted alternatively as Entrepreneurship Electives in some cases with advance approval).
Students in the minor are strongly encouraged to participate in Connolly Entrepreneurship Society (CES), Student Pitch Competition, or other CES-sponsored events. They are also encouraged to attend two or more Entrepreneurship Summits when offered.
Required Courses for the Minor
BUS 160: Foundations of Entrepreneurship and Business (3). An interdisciplinary introduction for students who are interested in entrepreneurship and in perhaps someday starting, owning or running their own businesses, or pursuing an entrepreneurial career inside of others' organizations. Although entrepreneurship is a creative process, it also requires specific skills, knowledge, and tools to enhance the probability of success. This course helps students explore all aspects of developing ideas for new business ventures, including nonprofits or social entrepreneurship, including starting on the actual process of pursuing ideas and working with others in small teams. Through this lens of entrepreneurship, students receive an introduction to all of the primary aspects of business.
BUS 399: Entrepreneurship (3). Prerequisites: waived for entrepreneurship minors. A capstone course designed to expose students to a strategic perspective on business challenges in the context of entrepreneurial firms. Integrating concepts and analytical tools from functional disciplines (e.g., finance, marketing, accounting) in the diagnosis, analysis, and resolution of complex business situations, this seminar helps students develop the knowledge, skills, and abilities necessary to excel in either new ventures or in today's increasingly entrepreneurial corporate environments. Among other activities, students learn from case studies, class discussions, and working together to develop and present a business plan. Limited to BSADM, ACCT, or JMCB majors and ENTR minors. Not open to students who have taken or are currently enrolled in ACCT 398.
Entrepreneurship Electives for the Minor (must take two courses)
BUS 308: Special Topics in Entrepreneurship (3).
BUS 374: Rogue Marketing (3). Explores the business of entertainment, with a focus on the artist as entrepreneur. Students study the ecosystem of the entertainment industry, answering questions such as how deals are made, how projects get greenlit, and who owns the rights to an individual's art and AI. The class works with real-world independent artists in finding rogue digital marketing approaches for clients with limited budgets.
BUS 376: Design Thinking (3). Open to both majors and non-majors. This course focuses on how to use design thinking to analyze problems and opportunities. The course is rooted in human-centered and ethical design considerations. The content draws heavily from creative writing, studio art, psychology, theater, and branding to help students engage in empathetic design solutions. The course follows the design thinking process developed by IDEO and follows through empathy, definition, ideation, prototyping, and testing.
BUS 381: Social Entrepreneurship (3). Prerequisite: At least sophomore standing. Social entrepreneurship is an approach to creating system-level change through the application of entrepreneurial thinking and problem solving to social ventures, non-profit organizations, government institutions, and non-governmental organizations to create economic, environmental, and social value for multiple stakeholders. The purpose of this class is to (a) introduce students to the strategic thinking that forms the foundation of successful entrepreneurial ventures, (b) engage students in the application of these strategic tools and frameworks through case analyses and discussion, and (c) to encourage students to change the world in a meaningful way by thinking about a social venture of their own.
BUS 383: Technology and Entrepreneurship (3). Prerequisite: At least sophomore standing. The purpose of this course is to provide students with an understanding of process through which technological inventions are transformed into innovations. Key works from scholars in the field will guide class discussions on understanding why managing innovation is complex, cross-functional, and a historically-dependent endeavor. By the end of the class, students will have an appreciation for the entrepreneurial mindset, key actors in the start-up process, and the means through which technology is commercialized. In addition to these discussions, students will travel to Silicon Valley to not only meet individuals who are a part of the recent start-up/technology scene but also visit key locations that capture the history and context of innovation in the San Francisco/Bay Area.
BUS 387: Alchemy of Innovation: From Concept to Incubator Gold (4). A unique four-week Spring Term course that immerses students in an interdisciplinary learning experience within a startup incubator. Students work with industry professionals on design and prototyping projects, engaging with cutting-edge technology to develop valuable entrepreneurship, design thinking, and prototyping skills. This hands-on course exposes students to real-world applications and fosters connections with industry leaders. (EXP; spring biennially)
BUS 388: Building a Business from Scratch
BUS 392: Layered Berlin and the Social Market Economy (4). Prerequisite: GERM 262 and instructor consent. A four-week course taught abroad that offers students a true immersion in German language, culture, and business environment. In order to give students a complete understanding of contemporary Germany, we integrate a literary-historical analysis of the country's rich history from 1848 to the present day with an introduction to German social and economic system that focuses on stakeholder-centric business and sustainability principles. Through an exciting mix of literary fiction, historical readings, and cases, film screenings, along with corporate and cultural site visits, students gain an understanding of the interdependence between "big C" Culture and business culture.
Business Electives for the Minor (must take two courses)
BUS 211, 217, 314, 315, 316, 317, 321, 332, 333, 335, 345, 348, 349, 361, 362, 365, 369, 370, 371, 372, 377; FIN 221; and, when appropriate to entrepreneurship with advance approval, BUS 301, 303, 304, 306, or 390 (may be accepted alternatively as Entrepreneurship Electives in some cases with advance approval).
BUS 211: Marketing Management
BUS 217: Prerequisites: waived for entrepreneurship minors.
Management and Organizational Behavior
BUS 314: Introduction to Data Science for Business
BUS 315: Database Management for Business
BUS 316: Business Analytics
BUS 317: Data Mining for Sales,
BUS 321: Multimedia Design and Development
BUS 332: Cross-Cultural Leadership
BUS 333: Rise of the Robots: Technology and the Future of Worok
BUS 335: Managing Uncertainty
BUS 345: Business Ethics
BUS 348: Foundations in Business Law
BUS 349: Negotiations and Dispute Resolution in a Business Environment
BUS 361: Foundations of Business Communication
BUS 362: Understanding Emerging Economies
BUS 365: Modern Professional Presentations: Design and Delivery
BUS 369: Green IS in Iceland: Sustainable Information Systems
BUS 370: Integrated Marketing Communication
BUS 371: Creative Strategic Planning
BUS 372: Leadership in Creative Industries
BUS 377: Marketing Research
FIN 221: Managerial Finance
And, when appropriate to entrepreneurship with advance approval, BUS 301, 303, 304, 306, or 390 (may be accepted alternatively as Entrepreneurship Electives in some cases with advance approval).