Food and Cultural Development with Dr. Fabio Parasecoli 1/29 | 6:00 pm | Zoom
Join Campus Kitchen and the Sociology and Anthropology Department at W&L for a lecture by Dr. Fabio Parasecoli from NYU. Dr. Parasecoli will discuss the role of food in cultural development as well as his recent work and research.
About Dr. Fabio Parasecoli:
Fabio Parasecoli is Professor of Food Studies at New York University, Steinhardt and a fellow at the Institute of Philosophy and Sociology of the Polish Academy of Sciences. His research explores the cultural politics of food, particularly in media, design, and heritage. He studied East Asian cultures and political science in Rome, Naples and Beijing, and earned his doctorate in Agricultural Sciences at Hohenheim University, Germany. Recent books include Al Dente: A History of Food in Italy (2014), Feasting Our Eyes: Food, Film, and Cultural Citizenship in the US (2016, co-authored with Laura Lindenfeld), Knowing Where It Comes From: Labeling Traditional Foods to Compete in a Global Market (2017), Food (2019), Global Brooklyn: Designing Food Experiences in World Citie (2021, coedited with Mateusz Halawa) and Gastronativism: Food, Identity, Politics (2022). His current book project is The Pierogi Problem: Reinventing Polish Food for Cosmopolitan Appetites (with Agata Bachórz and Mateusz Halawa, University of California Press, forthcoming 2024)
Thank you to the W&L Sociology and Anthropology Department for their sponsorship of this event!