Last Meal Exhibit Artist's Talk with Jackie Black Monday 11/7 | 6:00 pm | Zoom

Jackie Black - photo by Christine Matthäi
Artist Jackie Black will talk about the intention and process behind her exhibit, the Last Meal, that portrays the last meal requests of inmates sentenced to death. The exhibit will be on display in the Lykes Atrium in Wilson Hall from 11/7-12/8.
About Jackie Black:
Jackie Black was born to US Army parents of Chinese/Japanese and Caucasian descent. She graduated from the School of The Museum of Fine Arts in Boston in 1994.
Jackie considers herself a Southern Yankee who divides her time between New York, NY and Savannah, GA. She continues to advocate for social justice, equal housing, animal rescue
and climate action.
Thank you to the W&L Staniar Gallery, the W&L Department of Art and Art History, and the W&L Bonner Program for their support of this event!