Soul Fire Farm: Uprooting Racism, Seeding Sovereignty Monday 3/7 | 6:00 pm | Stackhouse Theater

"Uprooting Racism, Seeding Sovereignty" features a riveting keynote address delivered by Soul Fire Farm's Co-Founder and Farm Manager, Leah Penniman, and closes with a performance by world-renowned poet, Soul Fire Farm's Program Manager, Naima Penniman. A screening of this keynote will be followed by a live Q&A session with Soul Fire Farm's Managing Director, Ife Kilimanjaro.

About Ife Kilimanjaro:

 Ife Kilimanjaro, Interim Managing Director (she/her), is a grandmother, author, researcher, educator, activist, traditional healer and spirit warrior whose life and work are informed by her deep commitment to healing, justice and co-creating a better world.   Underlying her personal and professional accomplishments is a deep understanding that as we fight for and bring into being a better world for all, it is important to simultaneously make our inner worlds (i.e., mind-body-spirit) and relationships healthy and whole.