Ben Capouya '20 interviews Victoria Kumpuris Brown '98 about her career in food policy and health at the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation.
Related Coursework Includes:
BUS 225/ PHIL 335- Ethics of Globalization
ECON/ POL 288- African Economic Development/ African Politics in Ghana
FILM 251- Ethnographic Study of Modern Day Slavery in Ghana: Creating a Short Documentary
HIST 268- Building a Suburban Nation: Race, Class and Politics in Postwar America
HIST 354- History of the Welfare State
LIT 295B- Immigrant Experience
PHIL 354- Distributive Justice
POL 247- Latin American Politics
POL 288- African Politics
POL 380- Food, Shelter, Space & Voice*
SOAN 266- Cities and Regions
WRIT 100- Immigrant Voices