Related Courses
The following courses can be tailored to count for credit toward the Poverty Minor. If you plan to take one of these courses, please email both the instructor and Professor Pickett for approval.
All Related Courses
ACCT 256 "Federal Tax Policy & Planning"
ARTH 276 "Chicano/a Art & Muralism"
BIOL 275 "Food for Thought"
BUS 337- Economic Globalization and Multinational Corporations
BUS 381 "Social Entrepreneurship"
BUS 390 "Nicaragua: Business in a Developing Economy"
CBSC 230 "Contemporary Issues in Child Development"
CBSC 265 "Developmental Psychopathology"
CBSC 269 "Stereotyping, Prejudice, and Discrimination"
CBSC 295 "Addiction"
CBSC 298B "Community Psychology"
CLAS 295 "Invisible Romans: Marginal and Subaltern Groups"
ECON 222 "Current Public Policy Debates"
ECON 231 "Economics of Race"
ECON 241 "Economics of War and Peace"
ECON 276 "Health Economics in Developing Countries"
ECON/POL 282 "African Economic Development/African Politics in Ghana"
ECON 295A "Food Economics"
ECON 295 "Intro to Sustainable Development"
ECON 295 02/SOAN 291 02 "Land in O'odham Culture Economics and History"
ECON 376 "Health: A Social Science Exploration"
ECON 380 "Econ of Culture & Development"
ECON 395A "US Econ History"
ECON 395C "Topic: Intl Public Health"
EDUC 200 "Foundations of Education"
EDUC 230 "Educating Citizens in Democracy"
EDUC 302 "Teaching the Exceptional Learner"
ENGL 262 "Literature, Race & Ethnicity"
ENGL 295 "Lit Study: Neo-Slave Narratives"
ENGL359 "Literature by Women of Color"
ENGL 261 - Reading Gender
ENV 295A "Water Policy and Politics"
HIST 131 "Modern Latin America"
HIST 229A- History of Poverty in Britain
HIST 268 "Building a Suburban Nation: Race, Class and Politics in Postwar America"
HIST 269 "Blacks in the Age of Jim Crow"
HIST 309 "SEM: The French Revolution"
HIST 366 "SEM: Slavery in the Americas"
JOUR 268 "News Media, Race and Ethnicity"
LIT 295 "The African Child Soldier"
LJS 232 "Civil Rights & US Dept Jus Div"
PHIL 346 "Medical Ethics"
PHIL 354 "Distributive Justice"
POL 232 "Public Policy"
POL 250 "Race and Equality"
POL 247 "Latin American Politics"
POL 267 "Contemp Political Philosophy"
POL 288 "African Politics"
POL 294 "Topic: Food Policy"
POL 295B "Culture of Protest"
POL 342 "Law and Judicial Process"
POL 380 "Food, Shelter, Space & Voice"
POL 380A "Immigration Attitudes"
POL 388 "Architecture of Urban Community"
POL 396 "Gandhi and His Critics"
SOAN 205 "Power and Status: An Introduction to Social Influence"
SOAN 250 "Revolutions and Revolutionaries"
SOAN 265 "Exploring Social Networks"
SOAN 276 "Art & Science of Survey Research"
SOAN 277 "Seminar in Medical Anthropology"
SOAN 290 "Global Urban Sociology"
SOAN 291B "Archeology of Inequality"
SPAN 204 "Conversational Skills"
SPAN 295 "Hispanic Women in Literature, Cinema and Society"