Washington and Lee University is committed to providing equal access to educational opportunities to qualified students with physical or mental disabilities, in accordance with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act. The University intends that these procedures will facilitate an interactive process of dialogue and timely exchange of information between the student and the designated University administrators.

For Students
The primary goal and function of the Office of the Dean of the College is to promote W&L student's academic success. The Office offers a variety of services and resources to students, ranging from assisting with post-graduate fellowship applications to course overload permissions. The deans and staff of our office are also key sources of information about opportunities for students and can direct you to the right person or office to see for assistance or information about the impressive array of programs, activities, and opportunities for W&L students. We are also here to offer help and advice for any student on virtually all issues pertaining to your academic pursuits. Students are welcome to consult any of the deans.
Students should be familiar with the chapter on Requirements and Regulations in the University Catalog, which contains information on matters such as Academic Probation, the Automatic Rule, and Reinstatement procedures. If you have any questions please contact Student Affairs (540) 458-8752.
The deans and staff members of the Office of the Dean of the College look forward to getting to know you and assisting you during your career at W&L.