Help W&L See things Your Way - Make a submission to the Picture Life on Earth Exhibit!

The Museums at W&L and the Office of Sustainability invite you to Picture Life on Earth.

All across the globe Earth Day is used as a call to action. A call to meet the environmental threats of our time, to protect nature, to build a sustainable way of life. It's all familiar. But what does it mean? More specifically, what does it mean to you?

This Earth Month (April), the Museums at W&L and the Office of Sustainability invite you to help Picture Life on Earth with a special exhibition of student-selected art works from the Museums' collection.

Curators from the W&L Museums staff have selected a range of works that each represent some aspect of the environment, both natural and built. The images are available on box here: Picture Life on Earth.

Open the file, review the images, and chose a work that best represents how you are thinking and feeling about life on earth right now (What do we love? What do we fear? What are we fighting for, and against? Why do we care? ) and submit an entry!

How to submit an entry:
1. Review the artwork in the Picture Life on Earth box file and choose an image you'd like to see in the exhibition.
2. Complete this Picture Life on Earth submission form and submit by March 8.

Four to five submissions will be selected based on the strength of the student statement, with notifications to students by March 15. Selected works and students' accompanying writing will be displayed in a special exhibit in Leyburn Library throughout April, Earth Month. Students will also present their selection with brief remarks at a reception on April 9.