Faculty and Staff University Card
All full time Faculty and Staff will receive the University Card at New Employee Orientation.
The University Card comes with several privileges:
- Faculty/Staff Flex - deposits can be made to this debit privileges to be used to make food purchases in any dining location.
- General Debit - deposits can be made to this debit privilege to be used to make food purchases, bookstore purchases, and can be used at some vending machines. Vending machines that accept the University Card- General Debit are located in Leyburn Library, Lewis Hall, and at the Café 77.
- Door Access - All Faculty members are given door access privileges to exterior doors at all Academic buildings equipped with door access readers. Staff members, unless your job requires you to have access to a building equipped with door access readers, you will not be given door access privileges.
Other uses of the University Card:
- Library - Present your card at the circulation to use the Library and check out books.
- Athletic - Present your card to use the Athletic facilities, including the Fitness Center.
- Lenfest Center - Must present card to receive special ticket pricing at certain showings.
Deposits must be made in $25 increments and can be made online at the W&L eCard website, in the Business Office, and at the Marketplace. Deposits can be made by paying cash, writing a check, or pay with a debit or credit card through the eCard site.
The W&L eCard is an online tool to manage your University Card accounts. eCard lets you check recent card transactions, account balances, and allows you to use a credit card to add additional funds to your accounts. Acceptable credit cards are: VISA, MasterCard and Discover.
The University Card should be returned to Human Resources or Public Safety, upon separation from the University. Any funds on your debit privileges will be credited back to your account.