Interfraternity Council
The Interfraternity Council's (IFC) mission at Washington and Lee is to promote a safe, supportive, and caring Greek Community. Our primary objective is education--making certain all Greek men are aware of expectations and opportunities for personal development. Our secondary objective is programming--leading and motivating Greek men and Greek organizations to provide social and educational opportunities that benefit both the campus and the community. Our third objective is to address issues that arise within the Greek Community and promote accountability among the IFC member organizations.
IFC Fraternities
- There are ten (10) IFC fraternities at W&L: Chi Psi, Kappa Alpha Order, Kappa Sigma, Lambda Chi Alpha, Phi Gamma Delta (FIJI), Phi Kappa Psi, Pi Kappa Alpha, Pi Kappa Phi, Sigma Chi, and Sigma Nu. These ten fraternities are under the jurisdiction of the Interfraternity Council, which is led by seven elected Executive Board members and supported by the IFC Campus Advisor.
IFC Advisor
- IFC Campus Advisor: Dean McCoil, Associate Dean of Students
IFC Executive Board
- Email the IFC Executive Board at ifc@mail.wlu.edu
Additional Resources
Use the Silent Witness - Anonymous Crime Report Online Form to report hazing.