Washington and Lee has 12 fraternities: 10 are part of the Interfraternity Council (IFC) and 2 are part of the National Pan-Hellenic Council (NPHC). NPHC is comprised of historically African American fraternities and sororities, also referred to as Black Greek Letter Organizations or the Divine Nine.
* Denotes an NPHC Fraternity
*Alpha Phi Alpha
The objective of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. is to stimulate the ambition of its members; to prepare them for the greatest usefulness in the causes of humanity, freedom and dignity of the individual; to encourage the highest and noblest form of manhood; and to aid downtrodden humanity in its efforts to achieve higher social, economic and intellectual status.
Chi Psi
Chi Psi seeks to establish among its members a sense of purpose larger than one's self, cultivated through simple acts; conciliation of dispute, and the thoughtful awareness of the total needs of other people.
Kappa Alpha Order
Kappa Alpha Order was founded at Washington & Lee in 1865. We seek to create a lifetime experience which centers on the reverence to God, duty, honor, character, and gentlemanly conduct as inspired by Robert E. Lee, our spiritual founder.
Kappa Sigma
At the heart of Kappa Sigma lie the Fraternity's Four Pillars, which guide our ambitions and underpin our successes. Striving for excellence in Fellowship, Leadership, Scholarship, and Service produces Brothers who are involved in all aspects of campus life; who excel academically as students and professionally upon graduation; who develop lifelong bonds with those around them and who support those peers; and who serve their colleges and communities. Becoming a Kappa Sigma provides the framework to build yourself as leader and gentleman.
Lambda Chi Alpha
The vision of Lambda Chi Alpha is to prepare and encourage collegiate men of good character, high ethics, and noble ideals to contribute positively to the world in which they live. The mission of Lambda Chi Alpha is to offer the best fraternal experience, focusing on personal character development through leadership, scholarship, community service, and positive social experiences.
*Phi Beta Sigma
The brothers of Phi Beta Sigma are the Fraternity's most valuable resource and strength. They are the primary means by which the Phi Beta Sigma objectives will be achieved. In order to accomplish the Fraternity's objectives, it is essential that systems are instituted that effectively embody "Culture For Service and Service For Humanity" and promote brotherhood, scholarship and service.
Phi Gamma Delta
The Zeta Deuteron chapter of Phi Gamma Delta, also known as FIJI, has been a staple on the Washington and Lee campus since 1868, making it one of this historic University's oldest fraternities. Phi Gams nationwide seek friendship and knowledge, practice service and morality, and strive for excellence. Persistence is another of our most sought after attributes. At Washington and Lee, FIJI prides itself on fostering a strong sense of brotherhood; FIJI members are heavily involved in extracurriculars and athletics, and inhabit perhaps the nicest and most historic house on campus. For over 90 years, the fraternity has resided in the same house at 112 West Preston Street, and was the only fraternity that refused to relocate after a 1984 fire led all other fraternities to relocate to Davidson Park or Red Square.
Phi Kappa Psi
The Virginia Beta chapter of Phi Kappa Psi follows the national fraternity's commitment to leadership, scholarship, service and brotherhood. Phi Kappa Psi seeks students who will continue its tradition of achievement and recognition inside and outside the classroom. In achieving these goals, Virginia Beta has always and will continue to be a Chapter which is inclusive with regard to its membership.
Pi Kappa Alpha
The Pi Kappa Alpha Fraternity is committed to educational excellence, leadership and integrity. The brothers of the Pi chapter aim to continue the strong tradition set forth by its founders and to prepare its members for the challenges they will face in the future.
Pi Kappa Phi
The fraternity seeks to instill a strong sense of loyalty, responsibility, and respect for each other and the W&L community. The Rho chapter strives to promote a healthy balance between academic success and social activities that enriches the lives of everyone involved with the fraternity.
Sigma Chi
The brothers of Zeta chapter of Sigma Chi endeavor to achieve academic excellence and perform all tasks to the best of their abilities, to become better brothers and friends to others, to aid those in need of help through philanthropic projects or simply support, to bring honor and distinction to the name of Sigma Chi, and to ensure that these ideals are passed down to future generations of brothers at the Zeta Chapter of Sigma Chi.
Sigma Nu
Founded as the first anti-hazing men's fraternity and inspired by the principles of Love, Honor, and Truth, Sigma Nu is proud to return to re-establish the Lambda Chapter and re-join the vibrant fraternity and sorority community at Washington & Lee University. Sigma Nu does not strive to be your only campus experience, but the one that best enhances your success in the classroom and springboards you into other leadership opportunities on campus.