Greek Life

Fraternities and sororities exist for the personal and professional development of their members and their community. Greek life is typically founded on principles of scholarship, leadership, friendship, and service that are taught internally by a national ritual to the members who strive to exhibit those principles in their daily rituals.

Greek Organizations

Fraternities and sororities at Washington and Lee exist for the personal and professional development of their members and their community.

Panhellenic Council

The Washington and Lee Panhellenic Council serves to enact positive change within our campus community, as well as promote the active and engaged involvement of sorority women in university life.

National Pan-Hellenic Council

National Pan-Hellenic Council at Washington and Lee governs the NPHC sororities and historically black Greek fraternities.

Interfraternity Council

The Interfraterniy Council's (IFC) mission at Washington and Lee is to promote a safe, supportive, and caring Greek Community. Our primary objective is education--making certain all Greek men are aware of expectations and opportunities for personal development.


At Washington and Lee, informal and formal recruitment are opportunities for students who are rushing to familiarize themselves with all members and chapters of our fraternities and sororities.

Financial Obligations

An annual overview of the financial obligations for fraternities and sororities at Washington and Lee.

Event Planning

Social Events with alcohol in approved residential areas must be registered.


FAQs and information for House Directors, Faculty Advisers, and the Alumni Greek Council.

Meet the Staff

Greek life at W&L is overseen by staff from the Division of Student Affairs.