If the UBA decides to hear a case, they may decide the case based solely upon the record of the conduct body and the written appeal, or the UBA may seek additional information from: i) any person who provided first hand information to the student conduct body; ii) any person who may have new, relevant information; and/or iii) the chair of the conduct body, before reaching its final decision. In hearing the case, the UBA has the option to remand the case to the original conduct body, uphold the sanction, impose a different sanction, reduce the sanction, or reverse the sanction.
In reviewing the case, the UBA may modify the sanction of the original conduct body if the original conduct body lacked a reasonable basis in imposing the sanction. In cases in which there is new information presented or where there is a procedural defect, the UBA may remand the case to the original conduct body.
Options of Participants if the UBA determines to hear the case:
A. Options of the Original Respondent or Complainant (if applicable)
- The option to make an opening statement.
- The option to remain present for the entire hearing.
- The option to testify.
- The option to make a closing statement.
- The option to be accompanied by a Hearing Advisor.
B. Options of Original Conduct Body Chair(s) (or Chair(s)' designate)
- The option to make an opening statement.
- The option to remain present for the entire hearing.
- The option to make a closing statement
C. Options of University Official or designate (if a party to the UBA proceeding)
- The option to make an opening statement.
- The option to remain present for the entire hearing.
- The option to make a closing statement
Role of Chair
The Chair will call the meetings of the UBA. The Chair will determine the proper composition of the panel for any appeal that the UBA is charged to hear. The Chair has discretion to accommodate any conflicts that may arise with students or faculty in constructing the panel. The Chair will also serve to provide information regarding precedence of similar appeals. If the two members of the panel are unable to reach a majority decision, the Chair will vote to break the tie.
Publication of Findings
The UBA will make public a summary of its findings to the University Community that maintains the anonymity of all parties involved.