UBA Decisions, 2016-2017
UBA Appeal 1
The University Board of Appeals (UBA) by a majority vote (2-0) found grounds to hear an appeal submitted by an undergraduate student respondent of a finding of responsible by the Student Judicial Council (SJC). Accordingly, the appeal was granted and the original findings and sanctions of the SJC were modified and the following additional sanctions were imposed immediately.
Conduct probation for the remainder of the 2016-17 academic year
Community Restitution of 75 hours in addition to court-ordered service
$100 fine
The decision by the UBA is final.
UBA Appeal 2
The University Board of Appeals (UBA) by a majority vote (2-0) denied Kappa Alpha Order's request for an appeal of a finding and sanctions by the Interfraternity Council (IFC). Accordingly, the original finding and sanctions of the IFC was upheld.
The decision by the UBA is final.
UBA Appeal 3
The University Board of Appeals (UBA) by a majority vote (2-0) found no grounds to hear an appeal submitted by an undergraduate student of a finding by the Student Judicial Council. Accordingly, the original findings and sanctions of the SJC were imposed immediately.
- Suspension beginning Fall Term 2017 with earliest readmission to be Winter Term 2018
The decision by the UBA is final.