HSMB Decisions, 2021-2022
HSMB Decision #1
On December 5, 2021, the Harassment and Sexual Misconduct Board (HSMB) met to consider a claim of Title IX Sexual Harassment and stalking. The HSMB found the Respondent responsible for both violations and issued the following sanctions:
- Loss of privileges
- Change to academic schedule
- Suspension, with conditions to apply for reinstatement
HSMB Decision #2
On December 6, 2021, the Harassment and Sexual Misconduct Board (HSMB) met to consider a claim of sexual exploitation and Title IX stalking. The HSMB found the evidence insufficient to prove a policy violation for sexual exploitation, but found the Respondent responsible for stalking and issued the following sanctions:
- Loss of privileges
- Change to academic schedule
- Suspension, with conditions to apply for reinstatement
HSMB Decision #3
On January 29, 2022, the Harassment and Sexual Misconduct Board (HSMB) met to consider a claim against a student of nonconsensual sexual penetration. The HSMB found the evidence insufficient to show a policy violation.