HSMB Decisions, 2016-2017
HSMB Decision #1
On February 28, 2017, the Harassment and Sexual Misconduct Board (HSMB) met to consider an allegation against an undergraduate student of Non-consensual Sexual Penetration.
By unanimous vote (3-0), the Board found the evidence insufficient to show that there was a policy violation.
HSMB Decision #2
On April 25, 2017, the HSMB met to consider an allegation of nonconsensual sexual penetration. The panel found the Respondent responsible of violating University Policy. Because the panel did not find the Respondent responsible beyond a reasonable doubt, the mandatory sanction of dismissal did not apply and the panel issued the following sanctions:
- Suspension for Fall Term 2017, with conditions to apply for reinstatement
- Loss of Privileges
- On Campus Residential Relocation
- Probation through Academic Year 2017-2018
HSMB Decision #3
On June 29, 2017, the HSMB met to consider an allegation of nonconsensual sexual penetration, sexual exploitation, and retaliation. The panel found the evidence insufficient to show there was a policy violation.