SFHB Decisions, 2013-2014
On May 5, 2014, the SFHB met to consider allegations against a law student of Sexual Misconduct, Unwanted Sexual Touching and Conduct Unbecoming of a Washington and Lee student.
The Student-Faculty Hearing Board thoroughly reviewed the investigative report, appendices, and asked follow-up questions of the investigators and heard directly from the complainant and the respondent. By a vote of 4-0 the Board found a violation of the policy and suspended the respondent from Washington and Lee for one year.
On May 7, 2014, the SFHB met to consider allegations against a law student of Sexual Misconduct and Unwanted Sexual Touching.
The Student-Faculty Hearing Board thoroughly reviewed the investigative report, appendices, and asked follow-up questions of the investigators and heard directly from the complainant and the respondent. By a vote of 4-0 the Board found a violation of the policy and suspended the respondent from Washington and Lee for one year.