Student Conduct

The Honor System

The Board of Trustees has granted to students the privilege of overseeing the administration of the Honor System. This privilege includes the responsibilities of defining dishonorable acts that the current student generation views as breaches of the community's trust; investigating possible violations of the Honor System; administering closed hearings where possible Honor Violations are suspected; writing and revising the White Book, the Honor System policy and procedures manual; and reporting directly to the Board of Trustees on the administration of the Honor System. The sole penalty for an Honor System violation is dismissal from the University.

Executive Committee

The chief agency of student government is the student-elected Executive Committee of the Student Body. The Executive Committee (EC) administers the Honor System, allocates the student budget, conducts student body elections, and appoints students to a number of University committees.

Student Judicial Council

The Student Judicial Council (SJC) was created by authority of the faculty of Washington and Lee to promote the notion of individual responsibility. The SJC investigates and acts upon complaints of alleged student misconduct, except for dishonorable acts that involve the general categories of lying, cheating, stealing or other breaches of trust (which are under the jurisdiction of the Executive Committee), or acts that involve discrimination, harassment or sexual misconduct by students (which are under the jurisdiction of the Harassment and Sexual Misconduct Board).

Harassment and Sexual Misconduct Board

The Harassment and Sexual Misconduct Board (HSMB) is authorized to hear and adjudicate allegations of prohibited student discrimination, harassment, sexual misconduct, and retaliation.

Interfraternity Council

The Interfraternity Council (IFC) governs IFC fraternitities, addresses issues that arise, and promotes accountability among its members.

Panhellenic Council

The Panhellenic Council (PC) governs PC sororities, enacting positive change within our campus community and promoting the active and engaged involvement of PC sorority women in university life.

Hearing Advisor Program

Hearing Advisors play an integral role in the proceedings of the Executive Committee, Student-Faculty Hearing Board, and Student Judicial Council. The goal of an Hearing Advisor is to help ascertain the truth. This goal is achieved by assisting students, faculty and staff prepare and present their cases.

University Board of Appeals

University Board of Appeals is chaired by the Dean of Students and hears all appeals from the student conduct process filed by individuals, groups, or the University Official, with the exception of appeals from the Executive Committee of the Student Body.