Resident Advisor & Community Assistant Hiring Process
Are you a positive role model and servant leader? Are you interested in giving back to your campus community? Interested in fostering a safe and inclusive residential experience for all? Do you want to broaden your professional skill set?
Thoroughly review the Resident Adviser (RA) and Community Assistant (CA) position description before applying. Candidates who apply may withdraw their application/candidacy at any time during the process.
To apply:
- Visit eRezLife & login to your account
- Jobs are posted under the default tab "Job Postings"
- Click the job link for which you wish to apply: "2025-2026 Housing & Residence Life Staff"
- You will be directed to the jobs page...
- Click the green "Apply Now" button
- Select the applicant group "NEW Staff"
- Continue to follow the prompts and SUBMIT.
Take advantage of the following:
- Chat about the position with your current RA/CA; speak with multiple RA/CAs for different perspectives
- Chat with someone in Career & Professional Development about how to prepare for your interview
- Mark your calendars and attend one of our res life info sessions (~1 hour):
- 2024
- Tuesday, November 12th at 5:00 PM (Elrod Commons 333)
- Wednesday, November 20th at 12:00 PM (Hillel 101)
- 2025
- Monday, January 13th at 12:00 PM (ZOOM)
Process timeline (subject to change; changes will be communicated via email):
- 11/20/24: Application opens via eRezLife
- 1/15/24: Application closes
- 1/16 - 1/22/25: Review of applications
- 1/22/25: Applicants will be notified of their status. Those invited to the group interview will receive a link to sign up for an interview slot and other important details.
- 1/24/25: Deadline to sign up for a group interview slot
- 1/29/25: Group interviews take place
- 1/31/25: Applicants will be notified of their status. Those invited to the individual interview will receive a link to sign up for an interview slot and other important details.
- 2/3/25: Deadline to sign up for individual interview slot
- 2/5 - 2/11/25: Individual interviews take place
- 2/12 - 2/17/25: Hiring deliberations & placement decisions
- 2/17/25: Hiring offers are communicated via candidate email
- Candidates will receive a status of hire, alternate, or no hire; more information provided at time of offers
- Please note: offers are contingent upon completion of the reslife symposium and final GPA/conduct checks
- 2/20/25: Candidate decisions (accept or decline) are due
- Residence life symposium for new hires (TBD based on new hire availability)
Questions about residence life, RA/CA positions, or info sessions? Email Chris Reid at creid@wlu.edu or dial 540-458-4070.