First-Year Housing Form

All applications must be submitted online through eRezlife beginning in April. New students will receive notification from the Dean for First-Year Experience via email when the New Student Onboarding process is available, along with instructions on how to access the online housing agreement and housing match form.

The list of questions below will be part of the housing application process and must be completed by all students who apply for First-Year housing, even if the student is requesting a single room. This information WILL BE USED to assign your residence hall room and/or roommate; be yourself! *NOTE:  You may not choose your residence hall preference. This application will take approximately 20 minutes, so do not start the application until you know you have sufficient time to complete it.  We are providing this list of questions in advance so you can be prepared when the Housing Application/Preference Form is available in the New Student Onboarding process.

  1. Cell Phone
    (The best phone number to reach me at during the summer if there are any questions about my housing application.)
  2. I would like to live in the following room type: (a) Single (b) Double (c) Triple
    The 2024-2025 Room Rate is the same for doubles, singles and triples.
  3. I would like to live on a co-ed hall.
    (Co-ed Housing means you will be on a hall with people of all genders as hallmates assigned to the same RA as opposed to a hall of all one gender.)
  4. I would like to live on a substance-free (Sub-Free) hall.
    (Alcohol and other drugs are not permitted in FY residence halls at any time, but Sub-Free Housing goes a step further. Selecting Sub Free Housing indicates you will abstain from using alcohol and other drugs at all times and that you wish to live with other students who will do the same.)
  5. Information on Disability Accommodations
    Some students circumstances that may have an important impact upontheir residential living, be it physical, medical, or psychological. Please note that that some of the answers to the questions below are not a request for disability accommodations. For students with a qualifying disability, requests for disability accommodations in housing should be made according to the Accommodation Policy and Procedures for Students with Disabilities. See
  6. Do you have circumstances that may be important (allergies, ailments,need for an elevator, etc)
  7. Will you need access to a private bathroom?
    There are a limited number of private bathrooms in Gaines Hall and Graham-Lees Hall located on halls and not in residential rooms. Please note that private bathrooms are only a sink and toilet; no showers havebeen built into these spaces.
  8. Please explain your important circumstances or request for access to a private bathroom.
  9. I understand that no preferences are guaranteed, but I if I had to rank/prioritize my preferences above, I would select the following order: 
    (a) Room Type/Subfree or Non-Subfree Hall/Co-ed Hall
    (b) Room Type/Co-ed Hall/Subfree or Non-Subfree Hall
    (c) Subfree or Non-Subfree Hall/Room Type/Co-ed Hall
    (d) Subfree or Non-Subfree Hall/Co-ed Hall/Room Type
    (e) Co-ed Hall/Room Type/Subfree or Non-Subfree Hall
    (f) Co-ed Hall/Subfree or Non-Subfree Hall/Room Type
  10. Do you have a roommate or roommate(s) that you would like to request to live with? 
  11. While a perfect match may not be guaranteed, below you may request to live in a double or a triple room with the following individual(s): Please understand that all applicants must request each other in order to be considered for a match. Triples are not guaranteed and limited in availability.
  12. Requested roommate #1
  13. Requested roommate #2: Only needed if requesting a triple, triples are not guaranteed and limited in availability 
  14. My ideal roommate is a person who is... (one word)
  15. My ideal roommate is a person who is... (one word)
  16. My ideal roommate is a person who is... (one word)
  17. My ideal roommate is a person who is... (one word)
  18. Do you smoke?
  19. Do you object to a roommate who smokes?
  20. I am interested in international issues.
  21. I am excessively neat.
  22. I prefer limited visits by visits by romantic partners?
  23. Do you go to bed before midnight? 
  24. I need ____ hours of sleep.
  25. Are you a loud sleeper (snore)?
  26. Are you a light sleeper (sensitive to snoring)?
  27. Do you prefer your room quiet or lively?
  28. Do you prefer your hall quiet or lively?
  29. Do you have a specific religious affiliation?
  30. Do you prefer a roommate with similar academic interests?
  31. What are your academic interest? 
  32. What are your interests outside of the classroom? 
  33. Do you play a musical instrument or sing? 
  34. What instrument(s) do you play or genre of music do you like to sing?
  35. Do you intend to participate in a varsity or club sport at W&L?
  36. Please select what sport and at what level you intend to participate.(Varsity means at the NCAA D3 level)

Rooms are assigned in the order applications are received. Room and roommate assignments will be sent to the students' W&L e-mail accounts July.