Online Prevention Programs Required for First Year Students
On-line Prevention Programs from Catharsis Productions
Washington and Lee believes in the importance of creating a safe and healthy environment for all of our community members. We have partnered with Catharsis Productions to provide on-line training programs on Alcohol and Sexual Assault that will help you navigate college life. These research-based trainings are highly interactive and engaging, bringing you the most current and up-to-date information to help you establish healthy behaviors.
These two on-line training modules are required to be completed before you arrive on campus, and are due at the latest by Thursday, August 24. These programs will serve as the foundation for conversations once you arrive on campus for Orientation and will continue during your time here at W&L.
You can access these courses beginning today on the W&L apps dashboard. Look for the icons below to log in to each of the courses.
U Got This! – This engaging, online conversational program will guide you through three 15-20 minute modules, helping you examine attitudes and language that contribute to a cultural tolerance of sexual violence. The training engages you in conversation about bystander intervention, consent, healthy relationships, sexual harassment, sexual assault, dating violence, domestic violence, and stalking. This program uses a signature tone and humor to create an experience where you converse with the program host on a continual basis. The program’s interactive approach reflects the way you engage with it, and uniquely adjusts to each student.
Binge Thinking – this online fast-paced 35 min course uses interaction and games in a conversational format to encourage reflection and challenges you to probe the ways your emotional responses to facts about consumption impair your ability to enact positive decisions. The structure and approach is driven by research to enhance your protective behavioral strategies.
Binge Thinking’s format is designed to foster multiple opportunities for you to engage in critical thinking exercises without judgment. The program also strategically incorporates humor and scenarios to make messages more relatable. It features various interactive “games” and a multi-path format. Depending on how you answer the questions posed throughout, responses will be tailored to how you identify your motivation to consume alcohol.