

  • Implanon is a progestin hormone-containing rod that is inserted under the skin of a woman's arm. It works primarily by preventing ovulation, but also works by thickening the cervical mucus and altering the lining of the uterus. Implanon provides contraception for at least 3 years and can be removed at any time.


  • Provides long-term protection against pregnancy.
  • Highly effective and easy to use (no daily pill to remember).
  • No interruption of sex.
  • Contains no estrogen (estrogen is sometimes associated with higher risk of blood clots).


  • May experience unscheduled and irregular bleeding, especially during early months of use.
  • Needs to be inserted by a health care provider.
  • Offers no protection against STIs.


  • Failure rate is .05%


  • Contact the Student Health Center or your health care provider.

Additional Information

  • Implanon should not be used by women experiencing unexplained abnormal vaginal bleeding, or by breastfeeding women less than 6 weeks after birth. Additionally, women with active hepatitis, current breast cancer, or a current blood clot should not use this method of contraception.  After Implanon removal, most users return to fertility within 6 weeks.