Additional Information

What Does Not Work

There are many methods that some people believe are effective forms of contraception; however, in reality they are not. 

• Praying.
• Douching after sex.
• Having sex the first time.
• Standing up immediately after sex.
• Nothing.
• Withdrawal.

All of these methods are thought by some to be effective, but in fact they do nothing to help prevent conception. These methods are unreliable and are not considered a form of contraception. Other steps should be taken, besides these, in order to ensure or decrease the risk of becoming pregnant.

Missed Birth Control Pill Guidelines

Follow this link for information.

Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs)

Follow this link for more information.

Emergency Contraception Information

Certain measures of emergency contraception exist for women up to 120 hours after having unprotected sex. Even for women who have had unprotected sex during the most fertile period of their menstrual cycle, emergency contraception can reduce the risk of pregnancy by 89% if used within 72 hours post-intercourse. Emergency contraception does not disrupt a pregnancy if an embryo has already implanted.

Emergency contraception pills are available over-the-counter for anyone over 17. They are also available to women under 17 with a prescription. The prices range from $35 to $60.

Contact the Student Health Center if you think you may need emergency contraception.