Federal Nutritional Guidelines: Loaded with info on healthy eating, dietary guidelines, supplements and much more.
Diabetes: Don't let the diabetes topic throw you (this is just a healthy way for all of us to eat)--loaded with info on healthy eating including sample meal plans, serving sizes and much more in both the nutrition and education sections.
USDA: Center for Nutrition Policy and Promotion--USDA guidelines, recipes, lots of good info, especially the Interactive Healthy Eating Index to analyze the quality of your diet!
American Dietetic Association: Go to Healthy Lifestyle section for fact sheets everything from fiber to dieting to vegetarian eating.
Eat to Compete: Tim Wierman of Nutrition Educational Services teaches individuals and groups new dietary behaviors that may lead to better health and improved athletic performance. His manual is housed in the Athletic Training Office in Warner Gym.
Vegetarian Resource Group: Everything you would want to know about healthy vegetarian eating.
W&L Dining Services: Find out all there is know about W&L Dining Services including meal plans and menus.
Health Letter: Tufts University Health and Nutrition Letter.
http://www.bestcolleges.com/resources/student-nutrition: Another resource loaded with great nutrition information especially designed for college students.