Tobacco, Nicotine & Vaping
Tobacco use has been on the decline for decades. Unfortunately, much of the work to curb traditional cigarette smoking rates is being threatened by the rise in vaping among young adults. While some view vaping as a less harmful form of nicotine use or even as a way to stop smoking, much is still unknown on the long-term adverse effects vaping has on a person's health. Chemicals contained in the aerosols produced by vaping are known to be carcinogenic. Vaping is NOT risk free and is not an FDA approved form of smoking cessation.
SMOKING: What's the incentive to stop now?
FACT: 92% of people who smoke 100 cigarettes in their lifetime become daily smokers
This Means:
- 5 packs of cigarettes.
- If you smoke only at parties and have 3-5 cigarettes/party and continue this practice 3 x per week, you will have had 100 cigarettes in just one term.
- Nicotine goes to the brain in less than 19 seconds and releases dopamine in the brain, which stimulates the reward system. Thus, nicotine is more addictive than cocaine and heroin.
- National data show that about 95 percent of adult smokers begin smoking before they turned 21. The ages of 18 to 21 are a critical period when many smokers move from experimental/social smoking to regular, daily use.
- For those of you who are social smokers and think you can stop anytime or when you finish college: look at your smoking habits.
- Ask yourself: Am I addicted?
- In the past year have you ever smoked more than you wanted to? In the past year have you ever felt you wanted to cut down?
If you answered yes, you may be addicted.
If you want help quitting:
Student Health Center..............540-458-8401
Counseling Center....................540-458-8590
Office of Health Promotion........540-458-4501
Employees can contact Human Resources
Use the Cost of Smoking Calculator
Prevention online course - https://www.tobacco-edu.org
Quit Now Virginia - www.QuitNowVirginia.org, 1-800-QUIT NOW (1-800-784-8669), or text READY to 3419. Provides free information and coaching by telephone or online to residents who want to quit smoking or using tobacco.
Live Vape Free - LiveVapeFreeVA.org or text VapeFreeVA to 873-373
Truth Initiative - Facts on vaping and quit resources
Be Tobacco Free - Provides a "one-stop-shop" for the best and most up-to-date tobacco-related information from across its agencies. This consolidated resource includes general information on tobacco, federal and state laws and policies, health statistics, evidence-based methods on how to quit, and much more.
Smokefree.gov provides practical online tools to help build a quit plan, quit, and stay quit. Experts are available via phone or live chat.
The American Cancer Society gives information about quitting tobacco and how to support a friend.