- Self-assessment - www.mentalhealthscreening.org/screening. Keyword = Washington
- Personalized Alcohol Feedback - If you would like to complete a short on-line assessment followed by a brief educational assessment appointment contact the Office of Health Promotion 540-458-4501 or email jkaufman@wlu.edu
- Web Resources
- Rethinking Your Drinking: Info and assessment tool
- Alcohol and Impaired Driving info just for college students: http://www.bacchusnetwork.org/alcohol-impaired-driving.html
- National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism: Lots of information plus a special section specifically for college students.
- Sponsored by NIAAA: Info for students/parents on alcohol. Recommendations for policies and changing the culture around drinking norms.
- Info for adult children of alcoholics from Cornell College
- Virginia ABC Website: ABC regulations, VA law and enforcement, and educational initiatives from the state of VA.
- MADD: Stats on drunk driving, laws, research and links.
- Take a test to assess your drinking patterns and receive personalized feedback, lots of Q&A info.
- Local AA meetings
- Resources for Parents
- Virginia Alcoholic Beverage Control Board parent brochure
- Article from TIME.com: "When It Comes to Curbing Drinking, College Students Do Listen"