Contact Us
Student Health Center - 200 Generals Lane
Washington and Lee University
204 West Washington Street
Lexington, VA 24450
Phone: (540) 458-8401
Fax: (540) 458-8404
E-mail: studenthealth@wlu.edu
University Counseling Center
Washington and Lee University
Early-Fielding, Suite 116
204 West Washington Street
Lexington, VA 24450
Phone: (540) 458-8590
Office of Health Promotion - Jan Kaufman, M.P.H.
Washington and Lee University
Elrod Commons 235
204 West Washington Street
Lexington, VA 24450
Phone: (540) 458-4501
E-mail: jkaufman@wlu.edu
Follow Student Health @wluHealth
While your privacy is important to us, we cannot guarantee the confidentiality of electronic communications. Please call or see us in person if you need to discuss or disclose sensitive information. E-mail can be used for non-urgent health or health insurance related questions. Please allow 2-3 business days for a response. If you want to schedule an appointment with the physician/physician assistant or you have an urgent health care need or question, please come directly to the Student Health Center or call (540) 458-8401.