Transit operates from 10:00 PM - 2:00 AM on Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday nights (Mondays are included during Spring Term) on the following designated route:
- Quad
- Woods Creek
- Third Year Village
- Sorority Houses
- Davidson Park
- Tucker/Henry Street
- Tucker/Randolph Street
- Windfall Hill
- Kappa Hill
- County Seat
- Pole Houses
- Red Square
The following stops are drop-off only:
- Tucker/Henry Street
- Tucker/Randolph Street
Transit operates via five 24-passenger buses driven by qualified individuals. The buses will not deviate from the designated route nor operate past 2:00 AM unless determined by the Lead Monitor. All rules of conduct in the Traveller Conduct Policy apply to usage of Transit services. Specifically, Transit buses will only transport the number of passengers equal to the number of available seats. There must only be one passenger per seat at all times, and standing in aisles is prohibited. These procedures are implemented to ensure passenger and driver safety.
Based on any given night's circumstances, the Transit route may be altered at the Lead Monitor's discretion to maintain operational efficiency. Specific drop-off locations may be passed to shorten the length of the route and cater to large crowds. For example, if a large crowd assembles at Windfall Hill late at night, the bus stops of Red Square, Quad, and Sorority Houses may be lumped into a single drop-off at the Quad.
Students wanting to utilize Transit services are expected to wait in line where the Lead Monitor assembles the pick-up location. In general, Lead Monitors will assemble lines at the center of a group of houses (ex. Windfall and between Pole Houses 3 and 4) to maximize safety and efficiency. Transit drivers will ONLY pick students up waiting at the appropriate pick-up locations.
Use of Traveller Transit services is a privilege. Despite the added convenience of transporting passengers to various locations, Transit's primary objective is to provide students with rides home.
The Transit route and time of operation may be altered to accommodate for special events. Organizations may request special accommodations one week prior to the event by contacting the Traveller Steering Committee at traveller@wlu.edu. Requests are subject to approval by the Steering Committee.