Traveller Safe Ride Program Transporting nearly 2,000 students weekly

- Traveller serves the W&L community as a safe-ride system from 10:00 PM - 2:00 AM via two services: Transit and Dispatch.
- Traveller Dispatch, which can be reached at (540) 458-8900 or via the online request form, , transports passengers home within a 5-mile radius of W&L's campus and operates every night of the week.
- Traveller Transit, composed of five 24-passenger vans, runs a fixed route through Lexington on Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday nights.
All patrons are expected to abide by all motor vehicle laws of Virginia and the Traveller Conduct Policy, which includes the following rules:
- Comply with Traveller staff directions respectfully
- No beverages (including alcohol) or food in any Traveller vehicle
- Each patron must have their own seat (as well as no standing in aisles)
- No roughhousing, fighting, or aggressive behavior
- No tobacco products or electronic cigarettes (including juuling)
- Any other action deemed inappropriate or hazardous by Traveller staff
Any on-duty Traveller employee (including Dispatch and Transit drivers, Dispatchers, and Monitors) may issue sanctions to students who fail to adhere to these behavioral expectations. Students receiving three sanctions will be banned from Traveller services for a full calendar year. Passengers seeking to utilize Traveller services are required to show W&L Student IDs if requested by a Traveller employee. Please note that falsely identifying yourself may be considered an honor violation, and the case could be sent to the Executive Committee.
Thank you for cooperating with Traveller policies and procedures. For more information, please view the categories listed on the right, or contact the Traveller Steering Committee at traveller@wlu.edu.