Parking Regulations
General Parking Policies
Parking policies as outlined below are in effect 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, year round.
- Campus parking areas are reserved for vehicles with the appropriate permit between the hours of 8:00am and 5:00pm, Monday through Friday, including all examination and vacation periods. Some designated parking areas have additional restrictions as indicated below.
- All members of the Washington and Lee University community must display a valid parking permit to park on campus.
- A parking permit is considered valid only if displayed according to the parking policies or special instructions provided by the Department of Public Safety at the time of issuance.
- A parking permit does not guarantee the holder a parking space in any particular lot. The inability to find a legal space within a particular lot is not valid reason for parking in violation of any parking policies.
- A parking permit is no longer valid when a student is withdrawn from the University for any reason, or when a faculty or staff member's employment is terminated for any reason.
- All vehicles utilizing University parking areas are required to be in good operational condition and have a valid state registration affixed to the vehicle. Disabled vehicles must be removed from W&L property within 48 hours and notification must be made to the Department of Public Safety to confirm arrangements, or the vehicle is subject to towing. A vehicle that does not display a valid state registration is subject to immediate towing unless arrangements have been made with the Department of Public Safety.
- Long-term parking (during winter and summer breaks) or vehicle storage is prohibited without authorization from the Department of Public Safety. Vehicles may be subject to towing, at the owner's expense.
Accessible Parking
- Parking in a marked handicapped space is permitted only by a vehicle displaying a valid, state or municipality-issued handicap parking permit or license plate.
- If the vehicle also meets the requirements of University registration, it must also be registered in accordance with the vehicle registration policies outlined above.
- Information about how to apply for a state-issued handicap permit is available on the DMV website. If a space designated for handicapped parking cannot be located, permit holders can park in any space (which is not reserved for other purposes) in any University parking lot nearest their destination. University permit and handicap permit must be displayed.
Special Accommodations
Accommodation requests must be made through Lauren Kozak for undergraduate students and Maria Saez Tatman for law students. In order to be considered, please contact the appropriate individual to schedule a consultation for accommodation. To provide fair due process, requests received outside of the accommodation process will not be considered.
Please note, the university cannot issue handicapped parking placards. All handicapped parking spaces are regulated by state agencies, regardless of location. Therefore, state-issued disability tags are the only way to access handicapped parking across campus. All requests for handicapped placards will be directed to the DMV.
All other accommodations will be assessed and a temporary parking pass will be provided if deemed necessary. Please note, parking on campus is never guaranteed for any specific lot or spot. Public Safety may be able to provide a ride to class, but rides cannot be guaranteed and will be considered on a case-by-case basis. The primary duties of the officers are to respond to emergencies and maintain the safety of the university. The department will assist whenever possible, but should not be considered a primary solution.
Tips to consider:
- Apply for a Temporary Handicapped tag through the Division of Motor Vehicles
- Leave early for class
- Get a ride with friends
- Ask a roommate for a ride
- Coordinate transportation with classmates
Visitor Parking
Visitor parking is reserved for Washington and Lee University guests who are visiting campus. Students, faculty and staff are not permitted to park in these areas.
Visitor parking is available in the following designated areas and does not require a permit:
- University Chapel Visitor Spaces - 8am to 5pm, 7 days a week
- Lewis Hall Visitor Spaces - 24/7
- Parking Garage Visitor Spaces - 24/7
- East Denny Circle spaces at Parking Garage - 24/7Special Parking Accommodations
- Special parking accommodations are designed to support those students who need assistance due to a temporary physical restriction or injury. Due to the high number of requests, all requests must be submitted through the University's accommodation process and will be considered on a case-by-case basis.
Individuals and guests needing to park in spaces in permitted lots, may request a temporary visitor parking permit through our registration system. After approval, a temporary permit will be emailed to you that may be printed and placed on your dashboard when you park on campus. To request a temporary permit, please register your vehicle HERE.