Requesting an Incomplete Grade in a course April 4, 2024
Requesting an Incomplete
At this time of year, some students have trouble completing their coursework for circumstances beyond their control. For example, you might get seriously ill or your family suddenly needs you at home.
This email contains the faculty's policy on incomplete grades and how you can request one, when appropriate. The process should start as a conversation with your instructor, so be sure to do that as soon as possible.
- An Incomplete signifies that, due to some cause beyond the student's reasonable control (e.g., illness, injury, incapacitation), the work of the course has not been completed or the final examination has been deferred.
- The faculty instructor is the only person who can decide whether to allow an Incomplete.
- The faculty's decision to grant an Incomplete should be made no sooner than the last three weeks of the current term, but no later than 5pm on the last day of exams, when it is clear the work of the course cannot be completed.
- Incompletes must be removed by the due date set by the instructor but no later than the end of the 15th class day (three weeks) into the next term. There is an additional process to extend beyond these dates.
- Students with incompletes are ineligible to Spring Option.
- If not completed, the I grade becomes an F.
For the entire policy, see the catalog at https://catalog.wlu.edu/ content.php?catoid=36&navoid=3529#Incomplete
Requesting an Incomplete
- The request is initiated by the student with an online form. Please be sure to have a conversation with your instructor PRIOR to completing the online form.
- The incomplete request form can be found here: go.wlu.edu/incomplete-request.
- For each Incomplete requested, fill out a separate form, providing as much detail as you can. The form goes directly to the faculty instructor of the section, and certain information is shared with the appropriate student-affairs deans. If your circumstances involve sensitive medical information, please do not include those details on the form.
- Make sure you click the "Submit" button at the bottom of the second page.
Please contact the University Registrar's office at registrar@wlu.edu