For Monday, September 2 September 1, 2024


If you might be interested in being an actor in Voices of W&L next fall, please email Jan Kaufman at and express your interest!

Monday it is even more important to be with your hall at the right place at the right time. Attached are the times and locations by the name of your RA.

Everyone will rotate through three different activities (Perspectives, Bystander Intervention Training, and Traveller/Promise Committee) throughout the day.

Perspectives will involve a walking tour of places you likely have not been yet, but definitely should utilize throughout the year.
-most stops involve sitting in air-conditioning and there are water fountains along the way to refill water bottles
Bystander Intervention Training will help all of us to further develop the skills and confidence to help our community.
Traveller orientation will involve student leadership explaining the safe-ride system and will be followed by a unique and significant Promise Committee video.
*Parking passes will be distributed at the Traveller session for anyone who registered a vehicle

Bystander intervention is a primary prevention program aimed to reduce sexual misconduct by engaging the entire community in looking out for one another. Specifically, we teach skills to make it more natural for people to step in or say something when they feel uncomfortable with behavior around them. These skills can be broadly applied to speaking up about a variety of issues, including substance use, mental health concerns, and instances of discrimination. If participating in a session related to sexual misconduct concerns you, please confidentially reach out to Dr. Janet Boller from the University Counseling Center prior to September 2.

The Financial Aid presentations at 5pm are mandatory for anyone with a scholarship, need-based grant, loan, or work study (that is most of you).

Please be on time for the Law Enforcement Panel at 7:30pm in Keller Theater to hear briefly from student leaders, Public Safety, Lexington Police, and the Rockbridge Sheriff.

Swing by the Hotchkiss House Hangout beginning immediately after the panel to mix and mingle with upper-division students and fellow FYs.

The full Orientation Week schedule is at


FYE Team - Dean Rodocker, Dean Bryant, Dean Hodge, and Mariel Potter