For Monday, October 28 October 28, 2024
We hope you are doing well.
1) Please check your midterm grades if you have not already, ask your professors if you have any questions, and utilize Harte Center resources if needed.
2) Please set up a meeting with your adviser to discuss midterms and the upcoming winter registration.
3) Please make sure you clear all holds (adviser, business office, etc.) prior to winter registration.
4) The Registrar is offering a training session in Stackhouse on Tuesday, October 29th at 9AM. Flyer attached. Topics to be covered include:
a. How to review holds on your accounts
b. How to create and edit a saved schedule
c. How to use the W&L Course Offerings report in Workday
d. What registration will look like when your registration appointment opens (Tuesday, November 5 at 7:30am)
e. How to register for an individual course
f. How to use waitlists
5) Please remember to join your hall for Continuing Education on Sunday, November 3 at your designated time (Gaines 1-3pm & Graham-Lees 3:30-5:30pm).
a. Anyone unable to attend will receive an email explaining the alternative assignment they will need to complete.
Please reach out if you have any questions or concerns.
Best wishes!
Dean Rodocker
Dean Bryant
Dean Hodge