Fall Registration 2025-2026

Hello, W&L Student,

With fall registration quickly approaching, we write today to notify you of important information as you prepare for registration.

Viewing Course Offerings

To view course offerings for the upcoming fall term, please click on the Global Navigation button in the top left corner beside the W&L logo, and select the "Academics" app. Next, click on "W&L Course Offerings" on the right-side menu. This report has been pre-filtered with the 2025-2026 Undergraduate Fall academic period and the academic level. If warranted, you may simply remove the filters you do not want by clicking the "X" next to the desired selections.

In addition to employing a faceted search by using the left toolbar, the Course Offerings page enables users to filter by clicking on the desired header column, such as "Course Tags" or "Instructors," and selecting the appropriate entry(s) from the provided drop-down in the "Value" field.

Detailed course information, such as course descriptions, may be obtained by clicking on the desired course section. From there, students may elect to either add the section to a saved schedule built prior to registration or register for the section in question after your window is open.
Academic Dashboard

Please also review your academic dashboard. You may navigate to the Academic Dashboard by clicking on the global navigation button in the top left corner and selecting "Academics." The Academic Dashboard displays all kinds of information, such as your upcoming registration appointment, any holds, and primary and secondary advisers. Please know that all students will have active advising holds preventing registration until they meet with their adviser and the adviser removes the hold-so be sure to arrange a meeting with your academic adviser as soon as you are able!

Registration Schedule

The 2025 Fall Undergraduate Registration Schedule is as follows:

• Monday, March 24 - Rising Senior Registration (7:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.)
• Tuesday, March 25 - Planning Day, No Registration
• Wednesday, March 26 - Rising Junior Registration (7:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.)
• Thursday, March 27 - Planning Day, No Registration
• Friday, March 28 - Rising Sophomore Registration (7:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.)
• Monday, March 31 - Planning Day, No Registration
• Tuesday, April 1 at 12:00 p.m. - Open Registration for ALL Undergraduate Students

Course Section Prerequisite Override (Instructor Consent)

As a reminder, instructor consent or "Course Section Prerequisite Overrides" must be initiated by you, the student, as instructors do not have the ability to initiate these requests. Following your request, the instructor will receive an inbox item within Workday that will allow for approval or denial. The instructor also has an option to send back the request (and request more information, for example). While not required, we recommend that you discuss your request with the instructor prior to submission. You will receive a notification via Workday on whether your request was approved. You must still take action to ADD the course if approved; consent does not auto-enroll you into the course.

Detailed instructions (including screenshots) regarding Course Section Prerequisite Overrides may be found under Student Resources on Workday Student help page [see "Request Course Section Prerequisite Override"].

Creating Course Schedules

We recommend that you create multiple "saved schedules" in Workday as a means to prepare yourself in case one or more of your selected sections is unavailable at the time you register. Please remember that you should only schedule for up to 15 credits because that is the maximum number of credits allowed for registration. Using the register button on a schedule that exceeds 15 credits will cause an error and you will not be enrolled in any courses, so please be sure to schedule wisely. In addition, you will only use your planned saved schedule during your initial registration appointment. After your initial appointment, you will register for courses individually, so you need not plan courses first in order to register during open registration.
Detailed instructions (including screenshots) regarding Creating a Course Schedule may be found under Student Resources on the Workday Student help page [see "Create a Course Schedule"].

Waitlist Functionality

In Workday, you are automatically added to the waitlist for any course that is at full capacity when registration is attempted. Waitlist offers arrive both by email and inbox item. When you receive a waitlist offer, you will need to log into Workday to act on the offer. You will have 24 hours to accept an offer, including weekends. If you receive an offer for a section for which you no longer intend on enrolling, then please "drop" the request to remove yourself from the waitlist. If you do not act on a waitlist offer, you will be automatically removed from the waitlist upon expiration of the offer.

Detailed instructions (including screenshots) regarding Waitlisting for a Course may be found under Student Resources on the Workday Student help page [see "Waitlisting for a Course"].

Troubleshoot Registration Feature 

Lastly, you may use the "Troubleshoot Registration" report to determine why you are unable to register for a course. It may also be used ahead of time to determine your eligibility for a course. You may find this functionality by typing "Troubleshoot Registration" in the search bar.

Detailed instructions (including screenshots) regarding Troubleshooting Registration may be found under Student Resources on the Workday Student help page [see "Troubleshooting Registration"].

Thank you, and please let us know if you have any questions!

Office of the University Registrar