Leading Edge Trips FAQ
When are the Residence Halls Open?
Click here for Important Dates.
My student wants to go on a Leading Edge trip, but we can't come up twice for move-in. What do you recommend?
It is not necessary for a student's family to come to campus more than once for move-in. If your student applied to participate in Leading Edge and has a confirmed spot on one of the trips, plan to come to campus on the first move-in day. New students will meet their designated Leading Edge trip leaders early Sunday afternoon and participate in afternoon and evening events. Participants will depart on their respective trips on Monday and return to campus on Friday. Students will have the opportunity to settle in to their rooms when they return on Friday. The Schedule of Events for move-in day is available here.
The move-in day's schedule is exactly the same on the following Saturday, which is the date to come to campus if your student did not choose to participate in Leading Edge.