Making Meaning
Making Meaning is an immersive learning experience designed to expose incoming students to the many ways in which people create communities in which they can find meaning and connect with something larger than themselves. We'll visit active faith communities and learn from practitioners about their beliefs and experiences, but we won't limit ourselves to traditional venues for seeking spiritual connection. We'll spend time exploring how engagement with the natural world, art, and community service can also offer deeply meaningful connection points and we'll experience yoga, meditation, and walking a labyrinth as we consider the various practices people adopt in the quest to connect to a higher power. Making Meaning's signature experience is attending a National's game as participant-observers in the ritual of a baseball game, as informed by our pre-read Baseball as a Road to God by John Sexton. Each day will include discussion sessions and a chance for students to reflect on both the experiences and questions they bring with them to W&L as well as the new learning they uncover together on the trip.
Highlights and Overview:
• A day exploring the natural wonders of Rockbridge County - an easy hike on nearby trails and sunset on the Blue Ridge Parkway
• Yoga practice with local Iyengar teacher
• Guided meditation sessions
• Visits to Lexington churches and Jewish community
• Day trip to Richmond to the Muslim community and to experience the connection between food and spiritual sustenance
• Community service in Lexington
• A day in Washington DC visiting museums and monuments on The Mall, capped off by a National's game
Making Meaning strives to expose students to the varied ways in which we humans connect to each other and find communities that support our quest to make meaning of our lives. We aren't here to advance any particular religious path or proselytize. We're coming to the trip with open minds and big questions and we can't wait to learn and connect with you! Please note that all participants will be expected to read Baseball as a Road to God by John Sexton before arriving in Lexington (copies will be provided.)
Please be in touch with Tammy Futrell, Dean for Diversity, Inclusion, and Student Engagement with any questions about the Making Meaning trip tfutrell@wlu.edu or 540-458-8766.
For questions about registration please contact leadingedge@wlu.edu or call 540-458-8037.